111 Glove Standard (BLK) - Cozy Support 111 Glove Standard (BLK) - Cozy Support 111 Glove Standard (BLK) - Cozy Support 111 Glove Standard (BLK) - Cozy Support

107 Glove Standard (BLK)


This Glove covers not only palm and fingers but your wrist completely. We suggest you to wear during your sleep time.

Cozy Support is used by people in Japan for more than 30 years, this unique support (made with copper complex) actually radiates low-frequency infrared, just like the sun, for a very gradual heating. Cozy Support is also designed with electric conductive material to promote body electricity that stimulates affected muscles, joints and nerves.This aids in circulation to help relax muscles and joints without discomfort. 

Because the glove is conductive, you can touch the smartphone.